On Wednesday, August 21, 2024, the National Aviation Gender Summit took place in uMhlanga, where Deputy Minister of Transport Mr. Mkhuleko Hlengwa opened the event and delivered the keynote speech. Notable delegates in attendance included Ms. Poppy Khoza from the South African Civil Aviation Authority (SACAA), Ms. Nozipho Mdawe, the CEO of Air Traffic Navigation Services, and Ms. Nompumelelo (Mpumi) Mpofu, CEO of Airports Company South Africa.

The National Aviation Gender Summit (NAGS) serves as an annual platform for industry stakeholders to reaffirm their commitment to this vital cause, building on the success of the inaugural Global Aviation Gender Summit in 2018.

The Global Aviation Gender Summit was initiated and proposed to ICAO by South Africa and was therefore hosted by the SACAA in conjunction with ICAO and supported by the Department of Transport. The initiative supports the ICAO Assembly Resolution A39-30 that deals with ICAO’s Gender Equality Programme, which promotes the participation of women in the global aviation sector and strives to intentionally answer the call to demonstrate “strong, determined leadership and commitment to advancing women’s rights. The resolution urges States to take the necessary measures to strengthen gender equality by supporting policies, as well as the establishment and improvement of programmes and projects, to further women’s careers within the sector.

In 2019, aviation leaders in South Africa pledged their commitment to the UN sustainable goal number five on gender balance in employment, skills development, enterprise development, and other initiatives. This years’ NAGS was themed “Lift as we rise: The journey towards 2030!” examined the progress made by the South African civil aviation industry towards this goal. The summit also focused on addressing gender transformation gaps within the sector and emphasize the significance of mentorship in promoting gender equality.

The #NAGS2024 targeted a minimum of 300 delegates, predominantly female aviation professionals and various industry representatives with responsibilities and a vested interest in issues of gender equality and diversity.

A panel discussion also took place, focusing on the topic “How are we ensuring women’s participation as our sector soars beyond the pandemic? progress made by the South African since 2019”. The discussion covered several subtopics, including sector performance and women participation in numbers, special initiatives by the sector, gaps identified, and future plans. The engaging dialogues were productive and enhanced understanding of the significance of inclusivity, particularly regarding women in aviation.