Welcome to Aviation Branch
The impact of the Aviation industry in South Africa’s economy cannot be over-emphasized. South Africa has been able to implement international and our National Aviation Safety Plans, with our airports achieving impressive compliant safety records.
The Air Traffic and Navigation Services (ATNS) have made major strides to improve our airspace management safely scenarios. Infrastructure investments to assist the pragramme include the continued renewal of terrestrial aeronautical navigation systems and continued maintanance of radar systems.
- In 2014 alone, over 35 million passengers were processed across our international airports countrywide
- The implementation of international and national aviation safety plans,with our airports achieveing impressive complaint safety records
- South Africa has been re-appointed to serve as the Chairperson of the Aviation Security Panel in the UN Specialized Agency for Aviation.
- For the very first time the African continent, through South Africa is responsible for aviation security in the world. In this position South Africa is represented by our very own woman SACAA CEO, Ms Poppy Khoza, and South Africa celebrates this achievement
- The Air Traffic and Navigation Services (ATNS) have made major strides to improve our airspace management safety scenarios. Infrastructure investments to assist the programme include the continued renewal of terrestrial aeronautical navigation systems and continued maintanance of radar systems
- Our ACSA arports are rated best in the world and in Africa rated among the 400 world airports
- The OR Tambo International Airport improved from twenty six (26) in 2013 to position twenty four (24) in 2015
- Currently OR Tambo holds Africa's airport of the Year title
- Taking over management services of Mthatha
- The compilation of Wonderboom Airport security manual
- The acquisition of additional land at R236 million for future expansion of Cape Town
- The injection of R1.3 billion into airports for refurbishment and design planning
- The creation of 25 000 jobs for terminal and runaway expansion projects at Cape Town and OR Tambo International Airports.
- As part of our contribution to President Zuma's 2015 Nine Point Plan, with specific focus on "Addressing the Country's energy challenges", ACSA ans PRASA have invested in the following,
The 750 kilowatts George Airports solar plant, costing R16 million;
The Kimberly and Upington Airports Solar Plants both 500 kilowatts are completed and ready for commissioning - Planned installation of solar panels in all South African airports which will be propelled by more investment in airports infrastructure and the finalisation of the National Airports Development Plan (NADP); and
- Wolmerton, one of PRASA's biggest railway depots in Gauteng after Braamfontein, houses the new rolling stock and trains that have been received as an output of the Gibela contract. In March 2016, a R23 million Rand, 1 MW solar plant was successfully completed to power this facility
Civil Aviation Service offerings
- Facilitate the development of an economically viable air transport industry that is safe, secure, efficient, environmentally friendly and compliant with international standards through regulation and investigation and to oversee aviation public entities
- This is also informed by Ministerial foreword in the 2009/10 Strategic Objective when he sighted this "daily goods and people are transported from place to place because some form of efficient transport exists over the years, transport has performed well and contributed immensely to South African's economic growth, and the growth of Southern Africa Development (SADC) and Africa as a whole